Three Legged Dog - Erica Hitzman
This mural is unavailable for purchase.
48" x 96" x .5" (50 pounds)
Original mural: acrylic on MDO panel and canvas
This mural is no longer available.
Artist Statement:My paintings are born in wet puddles of paint and water on my studio floor. They are built up layer after blooming layer until the canvas is dried, leaving a crisp image of a woman wreathed in the stains of my clumsy and careless body. The works are not precious to me. I have seen and experienced the cruel and inhumane treatment of the people in our world existing in direct contrast to the delicate care and exaltation of art portraying those very humans. This being most clearly represented in the portrayal of women in art contrasted against the treatment of women in reality. Hanging the painting outside and exposed to the elements was a perfect way to further wear down and damage the painting to highlight its dejected nature. This point is so perfectly driven home by the two ghastly slashes cut into the breast and womb of the painting by a mysterious vandal halfway through its exhibition. In the image I depict a woman displayed as a typical odalisque but paired her with a graphic representation of her attempt to separate from her human form and retreat from the frame. Behind the painting is a hidden world of whimsy the creature is so desperately reaching for where she can exist un-rendered and free from the male gaze. I like to think the violent cuts made to the painting bring her closer to that eventual goal.
This mural is unavailable for purchase.
48" x 96" x .5" (50 pounds)
Original mural: acrylic on MDO panel and canvas
This mural is no longer available.
Artist Statement:My paintings are born in wet puddles of paint and water on my studio floor. They are built up layer after blooming layer until the canvas is dried, leaving a crisp image of a woman wreathed in the stains of my clumsy and careless body. The works are not precious to me. I have seen and experienced the cruel and inhumane treatment of the people in our world existing in direct contrast to the delicate care and exaltation of art portraying those very humans. This being most clearly represented in the portrayal of women in art contrasted against the treatment of women in reality. Hanging the painting outside and exposed to the elements was a perfect way to further wear down and damage the painting to highlight its dejected nature. This point is so perfectly driven home by the two ghastly slashes cut into the breast and womb of the painting by a mysterious vandal halfway through its exhibition. In the image I depict a woman displayed as a typical odalisque but paired her with a graphic representation of her attempt to separate from her human form and retreat from the frame. Behind the painting is a hidden world of whimsy the creature is so desperately reaching for where she can exist un-rendered and free from the male gaze. I like to think the violent cuts made to the painting bring her closer to that eventual goal.
We appreciate your support of the Allez program and Allez artists. Please understand your purchase is a weather-resistant outdoor art piece displayed in an urban environment for public enjoyment for the duration of the exhibit. Normal wear and tear of an outdoor art piece should be expected. There are special inherent risks, such as, mother nature, accidents, vandalism that could compromise the artwork. Allez will make every effort to protect the work during exhibition and will be available “as is” at the conclusion of the exhibit.